The Mummy (1999)

Trailer available here

I wasn’t even five when The Mummy came out. That’s my justification for not watching it until the start of this year and I’m sticking to it. Alright, that isn’t the only reason that I never actually watched it; Mainly, I just suck at sitting still doing nothing and watching a full length movie.

Whenever I have thought about this movie, before even watching it, I have always thought about how we probably shouldn’t mess around with certain artifacts and go ‘searching’ for treasures. Which given my love of historical culture and understanding is perhaps a little bit of a contradiction; We can only learn to understand the past to figure out how we got to the present and perhaps ensure we take the ‘right’ path for the future by taking time to study and reflect.

But it is always one of those “is this really the right thing to do?” and movies like this feed into that. They play on the fairly widespread fear of “why the heck would you open that cursed thing?” and “ah yes, all these things going wrong are because they went in here and opened this item last week” which is of course purely coincidence and bad luck. When it gets taken to the big screen and made even more extreme with far-fetched concepts and the extreme off those fears it is easy to see the snowball effect on people; Those that didn’t have that fear watch a movie like this and it resonates with them.

Aside from all that and how the plot has naturally aged well it felt dated and I don’t entirely know why. I don’t mean graphically, that’s to be expected, or even potentially with the writing. It just didn’t have quite that grip on me. Perhaps for somebody that watched it on release there is a level of nostalgia with it but people call it a ‘classic” and my head just can’t grasp that. It isn’t a bad movie but it certainly isn’t something I would watch again or find myself raving about.

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