Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Netflix (2023)

Trailer available here

Alright. I’m going to say it. And I don’t think it is a controversial opinion just maybe not a common opinion. I preferred this animated version of Scott Pilgrim over the 2010 movie.

This animated version follows the same plot as the movie, which was adapted from a graphic novel by Bryan Lee O’Malley, so it is no surprise that it is very similar in that regard. It did feel like there were a few tweaks from the movie, including additional elements from the graphic novel, that helped to give it that little something extra.

It having that little extra something is what I think I particularly like about this version over the movie. It helps to add in a more full version of the story and stops it from feeling like a completely run of the mill comedic romance. The voice acting in this Netflix version isn’t anything special, but then again I didn’t think the acting in the live action version was anything special so it isn’t like the standards in my head were high at all (this could be because I had never watched Scott Pilgrim until my housemate got me to watch it in 2020/21 when it was already 10 years old yknow?).

On the whole, whilst this adaptation is better, I still wouldn’t go out of my way to rewatch it or say it is anything so fantastic that you should drop everything to watch it but perhaps if you like the movie or even the video game then perhaps it is worth a little sit down on a rainy day. It feels like something that despite their absolute best efforts should, overall, have been kept in graphic novel format. It doesn’t really feel like it aged overly well in terms of culture references and no matter how fresh they try to make it there just isn’t that level of nostalgia or cringe to go with it. It just is what it is.

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