The Bad Guys (2022)

Trailer available here

Watching this came from a place of handful of us not really knowing what to do with ourselves one evening when we all wanted to hang out, be doing our own thing but have something in the background to either suck us in or keep us company whilst we focussed away on top of the odd bit of chatter. And it certainly sucked us in but maybe not for the best of reasons.

If you didn’t know, this animated feature length film, this movie is about a group of traditional bad stereotypes in human-animal form; a wolf, a snake and so on doing crimes. They get setup and tried to be turned into good guys but of course it isn’t that simple and there are ulterior motives behind it all.

Whilst the animation is done well, or at least meets the usual standards of expectations for this sort of production, that was probably where ‘well’ ends for this movie. Some things just seemed a little questionable like how certain animals are human like and able to interact in that way but others, even of the same species, were ‘just’ animals. It felt like somewhere there was a bit of a disconnect and something was missing.

And it is a shame because this could have been a really good movie especially with Richard Ayoade shining in the role of the (?) supervillain but no amount of perfect voice acting could make this complete. Given it comes from a children’s book series there could certainly have been more development and moments that appealed to adults thrown in there, as there usually is, with this sort of movie but it felt overly simplistic for even a modern younger audience to truly be able to get behind it.

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